Liquid Edge CD 16/1000

Audio-CD mit von Leonhard Bartussek individuell gestaltetem Cover. Seriennummer, Unterschrift

Audio-CD with individually designed cover by Leonhard Bartussek. Serial number, authorized signature

1 vorrätig

Artikelnummer: 20210016 Kategorie:


Liquid Edge

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Name your price – you choose the amount of money you want to give for the product. At the same time you get your share of the gains of the project each quarter of a year – the percentage according to your chosen amount. You also get access to the voting process about how the gains are going to be redistributed to everybody involved in the entire project – one person, one share, one vote.

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You still have the chance (until we reach our goal) to get your share within the category “The supporters” by contributing to the GoFundMe Campaign. In case the project will be successful, you have the chance to get a multiple amount of your stake payed back.

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Das Album zur Aufnahme im Mai 2021, Paterskirche, Kempen (15 Titel, 50 Minuten)

01 Overture (2:02)

02 Alien Song (2:03)

03 Prayer for generosity (3:43)

04 Surrender (4:15)

05 Für Maria (2:04)

06 Enns Jodler (3:52)

07 White Skin Mirror (4:19)

08 Liquify (2:50)

09 Vaga suora del Sol (5:35)

10 Auflösung 1 pieces of peace (3:31)

11 Auflösung 2 Glitzer Jodler (1:25)

12 Auflösung 3 trans trance (2:51)

13 Auflösung Morgentau (2:31)

14 Auflösung 5 Störfelder (3:46)

15 Auflösung 6 Circles (4:38)


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